Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Do Home Remedies for Dissolving, Passing or Preventing Kidney Stones Really Work?


Kidney stones can be a very difficult and painful condition. If you're dealing with a mild case or want a simple way to deal with the condition, you may be interested in home remedies for kidney stones. If you've ever wondered if those touted home remedies actually worked, the quick answer is they are likely to help.

Listed below are a few home remedies that may assist you in either dissolving, passing or preventing kidney stones: 

1. Drink More Water

This is a very simple solution that is overlooked. However, if you're dealing with kidney stones, you have to drink more water than the average person to flush out your system. You want to aim for a minimum of six 8oz glasses of water spread throughout the day but 8 to 10 glasses of water a day is even better. You especially want to avoid being dehydrated as it can make kidney stones formation much worse.

2. Drink Lemon or Lime Juice

Did you know that citrate in lemon and lime can help with kidney stones? It can actually help with dissolving kidney stones and more importantly preventing the stones from forming. So when you drink your water, adding a freshly squeezed slice of lemon will go a long way to managing your condition.

3. Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another home remedy that is popular for kidney stones. Apple cider vinegar also has citric acid content that may help dissolve calcium deposits and assist in stopping stone formation. A 2019 study of over 9,000 people found that those who consumed vinegar had a significantly lower risk of kidney stones.

However, more research is necessary to confirm the benefits of apple cider vinegar, specifically, as a standalone natural remedy for kidney stones.

4. Dandelion Root Juice

You probably never imagined that this common everyday garden plant could help deal with kidney stones. The root is actually edible and is used as medicine in other cultures. It is a diuretic and helps with inflammation, meaning that it can help flush out your system.

Dandelion root is also sold as an extract in supplement form. Just be sure that you do not have gallbladder disease and you're not taking any drugs for diabetes or high blood pressure. It should also not be taken for longer than four weeks. Talk to your doctor about taking this or any supplement before using.

These are just a few home remedies that may help either dissolve, pass or prevent kidney stones. You should try out one of them at a time and get a good sense of what is helping with your condition.

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About Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Stone
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